Resurrect Dead leads

All the people working in a sales force or inside sales of any organization must be familiar will one omniscient problem, Dead Leads. Yes, it is a huge dusty pile of prospects that remains on our CRM.

There might be various reasons behind failing in converting clients. Some reasons are like, the prospect not initiating in making contact with the salespeople in the first place, a sales representative failing to engage them, lack of humaneness in communication and other sister reasons.

According to research by Act-On, 80% of the dead leads can be converted by nurturing leads and through creative and intellectual efforts.

Here are some of the tips we use at Sparrow SMS that can help you grab your dead leads too.


Pin the Pain Point

Dive straight to the problem, fragment it and throw light over it to find the points that pain them. The very first time when a prospective customer land onto the sales force, you should make sure not to make the meeting product-centric.

Instead, you can have an enlightening conversation regarding your product or services and how it can benefit their business.

This will open up space with your customers and not let them clog in the CRM dead list making you able to identify and pin the pain point.


Hawk-eye the Graphs they Plot

Scan through all the existing dead leads list and filter out the quality leads to whom you can reach out first. You can now reach them through their social media posts, blogs, company website, and others and make yourself up-to-date with prospective lead’s company activities.

Every activities and event is a chance for us to reach them. You can trigger their every event like a new branch opening, sales offers, change in location, management notices, etc.  You can engage them with a mail with a congratulatory note, following with the question regarding if they are in need of any of the services.

This would make them feel that they are held important and also may convert into a seller.


Close with Closure-giving Content

Every business wants to boost their sales volume but they are not ready to adopt a new marketing channel until they confirm that works. They want to check if any of the similar businesses are using it and what benefits they are getting.

Now that you know the pain point of the prospect, you can prepare a crisping and engaging content for each prospect depending on their needs. You can explain how one has tried to resolve the problems using your product.

Sell them the experience rather than the product itself.


Dose in Humor Once in a While

You can sprinkle some humor to add more color in the online conversations. This pays a lot in re-engaging a customer.

Here’s the template…

Hey Tina,

It’s been long I haven’t heard back from you and that tells me one of three things:

  • You’ve already chosen a different for this, and if that’s the case please let me know so I can stop bothering you.
  • You’re still interested but haven’t had the time to get back to me yet.
  • You’ve fallen and can’t get up.

Please let me know which one it is because I’m starting to worry… Thanks in advance and looking forward to hearing from you.

This approach is proven to have a 50% response rate.


Simply Make Them Feel Warm

With the help of Google analytics, social media posts, blog posts, and other channels, the Salesforce team can collect the data and send them relevant Bulk Text SMS. You can use different striking phrases and lines to re-engage cold deals.

Here are some examples:

We’ve missed you!


We’re still waiting for you to respond

Hello, is anyone there?

Say something, I’m giving up on you

Their name!

Deals only for you


Tell about Something New

If you have any new features or update coming up, you can simply post blogs, send newsletters and emails promoting your features and updates. This will give you a reason to reach out to failed leads.

You can ask them if they need your new features and updates or you can simply explain what it is and how it can help their company to improve business communication. This is the most effective way to generate organic leads from dead ones.


Find a Different Route

In the corporate market, it is always preferred to reach one or more party to sign the deal off. So, you can influence the work colleague or senior authorities of the cold lead with an email or text message.

Here’s an example for the same


This is Niraj here,

We have had made contact with Hari once about our Bulk SMS services, but then we couldn’t reach him again, we suppose he must be busy. Also according to his input data, we’d figure that you’re in the same company as him. We just wanted to know if you were interested in any of our services too. Check out the services in our website


Thank you for reading! If I missed any important point, please comment below.



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