Track Your SMS Campaigns in Google Analytics

It’s great that you are doing SMS Marketing for your business. That will definitely reach to mass customers in few seconds but are you sure they actually react to your message? Can you assure that your CTA button is clicked?

Here’s the best tip that will surely help you track your SMS Campaign.

Yes, you can track your customer interaction with your SMS marketing campaigns. This will help businesses to track their performance and insights and measure how many views are converted into clicks and conversions.

Let’s see how you can your SMS marketing analytics using Google Analytics.

Tracking click-throughs on your SMS Marketing campaigns

Before doing it, first, you should make sure your web or mobile site has Google Analytics code installed successfully.

Google’s handy URL Builder tool is free and convenient that will allow you to build a custom URL easily for any of your Bulk SMS marketing campaigns. You can save the specific details for each campaign you set so you can easily track and analyze the responses in Google analytics. This can help you make the decision depending on the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns.

FIRST STEP- At first, you should create a custom URL using the Google campaign URL builder tool and you’ll be able to build your campaign URL in just a couple of steps, adding your website, campaign name, and source.

You’ll create your own campaign link with a combination of information like this:

Which tells Google Analytics that your visitor has come on to your website via the medium of ‘COUPON’ and a campaign named ‘TEXTtoWIN’

SECOND STEP –URL from the building tool is too long for SMS. You can now shorten it down for SMS. Long URL in your marketing SMS does not meet SMART goals. So it’s better you make it short and precise. When you type your text in your Message Box account simply shorten your URL using different online URL shorter tools.

That’s it!

Now, now you will be able to calculate the exact ROI from your next SMS marketing campaign.

We hope this article helped you learn how to track customer engagement with your SMS marketing campaigns.

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