How to Avoid 5 Common Bulk SMS Marketing Mistakes

Every marketing channel carries a bit of trial and error. You have to try new things and experiment to check if it works or not. Every business confronts a lot of mistakes and wrong moves while trying and experimenting with new marketing channels. Mistakes happen. But they can be reduced if you can help it as sometimes it can be very costly.

SMS Marketing has been the most effective and reliable channel for marketing and business communication. The main reason why SMS marketing is so successful, responsive and effective is that it is on such a personal device.

So here are 5 common marketing mistakes that you should avoid to get your Bulk SMS marketing campaigns on track.


1. Forget to say who you are

Most the marketers forget to mention their business identity while texting their customers. Message from the stranger is not worthy at all. You will be sending 160 marketing words to deliver your message and offers to your customers without any logo or graphics. You have to tell your customers from whom they are getting the message. The best way to do this is to set your business name as your Sender ID. You can get 11-digit alphabetic sender ID in Ncell.

Also, read: Looking to Promote Your Business? What’s Best than a Text SMS


2. Put too much info in:

Sending long messages with lots of information will only confuse your customers. The best practice is to keep your messages short, sweet and to the point. You should conclude your message short and concisely with the use of catchy words and phrases like a heavy discount, sizzling deals, Sale, etc.

Also, read: 7 Sizzling Phrases for Summer SMS Marketing Campaign


3. Include a call to action:

If you are sending any information, offers, discounts or any promotional messages, it’s better to add a simple call to action that your customers can go straight from a text message. You can add a website link, Google forms, Social media links or a phone number which they can simply click to take an action. This helps to increase your conversion rate.


4. Send at the wrong time:

Timing is the key when it comes to SMS marketing. Whether it’s promotional SMS or transactional SMS, the message should be delivered at the correct timing. If you are running an incoming SMS campaign for any voting or result, the autoreply should be sent right away. The same thing is applicable to banking institutions and software vendors. But if you are sending a bulk SMS for any promotional purpose, you have to analyze the market and niche and schedule the message as per your requirement.


5. Test, test, and test again:

Experimenting the new marketing strategies and improving it with its continuous feedbacks is what all marketing managers should do. In the case of SMS marketing, you can try sending different messages to a different niche with a different call to actions at different timings. Also, make sure you test and double check spelling and all links. You can first send to yourself to check everything is correct and working.

So, before starting any marketing campaign you should try not making these common mistakes to have a very successful SMS marketing experience.
Or, you can take help from our SMS experts, Call or Whatsapp 9802005007/8. We are always more than happy to assist you.

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